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Subject Line variations:
Ever been forced into the limelight?
How you can learn to love public speaking
That moment when you get asked to speak in a group 😨
Charlie’s heart was thumping.
Her palms were clammy and she could feel a bead of sweat roll down her temples.
Her turn was next.
“And you” her teacher called, “do you want to introduce yourself to the group?” his eyes seeming to bore into Charlie’s soul.
She stood up.
“I’m um… I’m Charlie” she stammered.
“Okay hi Charlie … and what cool fact about yourself do you want to share with us today?” he asked.
Charlie’s mind went blank. As if everything she had ever done in life had been wiped from memory.
Eventually she managed to mumble out some half-sentence about how she liked to draw.
She sat down, embarrassed … beyond glad that the attention was once again off her.
I hear stories like this all the time from my students.
Most people don’t understand just how hard it is to live with anxiety…
Where every slight moment of human interaction is drenched in internal fear and struggle.
Fortunately it doesn’t always have to be like this … it certainly wasn’t for Charlie.
Within 4 weeks of joining ‘Anxiety Eraser’, Charlie has revolutionised her social life and is now super confident in those awkward moments where you get shoved into the limelight.
And that all came down to Charlie realising one, simple fact
Anxiety isn’t a fixed trait.
You can improve it.
You can learn to love it.
Or if you so choose…
You can learn to erase it.
If this is something you’re interested in I’ve just opened up 2 new spots in my Anxiety Eraser program.
You can read more details about it here:
Lots of love,
Charlotte the Anxiety Eraser
Email 2:
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Do you ever want to just be alone?
Ever feel like isolating yourself from everyone?
When you live with anxiety it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everyone and everything.
Sometimes all you want is to just be left alone…
When I was dealing with anxiety pretty bad it felt like the more people that came into my life … the more I craved isolation.
But what was weird…
Was that as I started isolating myself more and more, my anxiety started to get worse.
I started having panic attacks. I felt incredibly lonely. I had no one around me to talk or laugh with.
So here’s a bit of truth bomb for all you “me-time” lovers…
It’s good to have *some* alone time throughout your day. But having a strong social life is so so so important for our health, happiness, and wellbeing.
Without one we start to fall apart.
So if you’re determined to become a person who doesn’t just like being social … but absolutely LOVES it then you’ll want to check out my Anxiety Eraser program.
It’s a 6-week intensive program where I work 1-on-1 with you to get to the root of your anxiety problems and heal your inner trauma so you can live a life free of anxiety.
I’ve only got room for 2 spots this month so you’ll want to get in quick if you’re interested.
Go to the link below to find out more:
Much love,
Charlotte the Anxiety Eraser
Email 3:
Subject line variations:
Do you make these social mistakes?
How to never feel socially awkward again
Today I’m answering a question I’m sure is on everyone’s mind…
Reader Jolene asks…
“Hey Charlotte,
I'm a pretty lonely person. I don't have any social circles, and so things such as getting together with colleagues has a huge drain on my social battery.
But there's one thing that really annoys me. When I'm in these environments, these social scenarios, my entire intellect goes out the window, and I become a moron.
In all honesty, I end up severely disappointed with myself by the end of the night. I'll forget words I'd typically remember, and make comments only an idiot would recall.
I don't know why, and this is mostly in social settings with semi-strangers and colleagues
Why can I not articulate my message, my ideas, and in a lot of cases, my intellect, during social settings with people I'm not 100% comfortable with?”
Well that’s a great question Jolene.
And one I’m sure you’re not alone in feeling.
The truth is even the most confident people in the world stumble over their words!
They still say awkward things, forget people’s names, and stumble over their words…
But the difference between you, with all your anxiety and worry, and the super confident person?
Confident people don’t dwell on their mistakes (at least not for days on end like those with anxiety tend to do)
I know this might sound like a superpower…
But fortunately it is a skill that can be learned.
And it starts with getting to the root of your anxiety.
Which is exactly what I’ll do with you 1-on-1 when you join my Anxiety Eraser program.
To find out more, get your cute ass over to the link below: