Short Film: Stray Days by Andreas Georgiou, Nicosia — Production

Niki Koutsoftides

Executive Assistant
Product Manager
Google Docs
Google Sheets

May-August 2018

Manage production tasks
Produce documents for the film production (GDPR, collaborations, festivals list)
Scheduling the shooting for four days
Worked closely with professionals from the Film industry
You can watch the short film here.
I use the following template for all the shooting days. The following pictures are in Greek but I can modify them.
If you hire me to organise your film scheduling and put everything together on A4 pages, I will include important information like the weather, the date, shooting time, phone numbers for emergency calls, sunrise time, sunset time, location with links, cast, crew, shots, scene details, the pros you will need for every shooting, rules for the shooting scenes. I will calculate the time you will waste on moving from one location to the other, the time the crew and cast will spend on getting ready before the shooting, each scene's preparation time, and the break time.
All of the above will be calculated and use as data to prepare your own film shooting template to have the checklist together for the previous day. So, that you will sleep well the night before shooting! :)


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