Aarogya Vaccine UI UX Case Study

Dibyansu Mohanty


UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


The Problem 🔎

Due to the population of India being on the higher side, getting a COVID-19 vaccine is tough for a lot of people. People visiting centers are often stuck in line and by the time their turn comes, it’s either too late or the center has run out off vaccines for the day.

Goals 💯

Designing an app which allows users to browse through different government centers, available vaccines and schedule their COVID-19 vaccination date in advance.

Additionally, allowing users add friends and family members to their profile to keep track of their vaccinations as well.

User Research Summary 🔎

🌐 Demographic diversity in India.
🎤 Conducted interviews with friends and relatives to understand user needs.

🔍 Initial research: primary users are 24-60 years old, tech-savvy.

🗣️ Identified language as a barrier to inclusivity.

✍️ Added language change option in the app for better equity and accessibility.
Design Process
Design Process
Pain Points
Pain Points
Persona 1 - Riyanka Pandey
Persona 1 - Riyanka Pandey

Riyanka's Empathy Map

Says 🎤

"I need to schedule vaccination dates in advance."
"It's important for me to find the nearest vaccination center."
"I want to know which vaccines are available."
"I wish the website was faster."
"Booking separately for each family member is tiring."
"There's no easy way to keep track of my family's vaccination status."
"I'm planning to pursue my Master’s degree."

Thinks 🤔

"How can I more efficiently manage vaccination appointments for me and my family?"
"I hope I can maintain my strong work ethic while also taking care of my personal needs."
"I must make time to visit my mom and not let work overtake my weekends."
"I wonder if there’s a better way to navigate the vaccination process."

Does ✅

Plans and organizes her schedule to accommodate work, personal life, and education goals.
Visits vaccination centers and navigates through slow websites to make appointments.
Spends weekends visiting her mom and cares for her cat's well-being.
Searches for information about vaccination centers and available vaccines.

Feels ❤️

Frustrated with the inefficiency of the vaccination process.
Overwhelmed by the need to book appointments separately for each family member.
Anxious about wasting time at the vaccination centers.
Values the safety and health benefits of vaccines for herself and her family.
Persona 2 - Fitur Ali Khan
Persona 2 - Fitur Ali Khan

Fitur's Empathy Map

Says 🎤

"Everyone should get vaccinated, no matter who they are."
"I need to find a way to get my family vaccinated."
"I have to be able to schedule the vaccination date."
"I want to keep track of the vaccination doses for my whole family."
"I don’t understand English, which makes it hard."
"The vaccination website is too complicated and slow."
"I don't own a computer, so I need help with booking appointments."

Thinks 🤔

"How can I make sure my family gets vaccinated with my busy schedule?"
"I wish there was an easier way to handle this without needing to read English."
"I want to provide my children with the education I never had."
"There must be a simpler way to manage this vaccination process."
"I hope my kids won’t have to struggle the way I do."

Does ✅

Looks for help from others who have access to a computer and understand English to book vaccinations.
Continues working on weekends to support his family.
Strives to save and plan for his children's education.
Engages with the community, showing warmth and kindness despite his own hardships.

Feels ❤️

Overwhelmed by the complexity of the vaccination process, especially because of the language barrier.
Frustrated with the inaccessibility of the online booking system due to his lack of computer.
Stressed due to the long work hours and the responsibility of keeping his family healthy.
Proud to be able to provide for his family, hopeful about his children's future and determined to overcome barriers so that his family can have a better life.

Affinity Map

Access to Vaccination 🛡️

Goal: Both Riyanka and Fitur aim to get their families vaccinated.
Frustration: Difficulty scheduling vaccination dates due to complicated websites.
Needs: User-friendly platforms for booking and tracking vaccinations, available in multiple languages.

Technology Barriers 🖥️

Riyanka's Experience: Slow website interfaces cause her frustration.
Fitur's Experience: Lack of computer access and understanding of English make it hard for him to use online booking systems.
Common Need: Accessible and efficient digital solutions for managing health-related appointments.

Work-Life Balance ⚖️

Riyanka's Effort: Balances a busy professional life while maintaining personal relationships and pursuing further education.
Fitur's Effort: Works extremely long hours every day, including weekends, to support his family.
Common Feeling: A sense of being overwhelmed by the demands of daily life while trying to meet health and family responsibilities.

🗣️ Language and Communication

Fitur's Challenge: Struggling with a language barrier that complicates access to resources.

🤝 User-Friendly Services

Needs: A faster, more efficient system for booking and tracking vaccinations for individuals and families that doesn't require English proficiency.
Ideation - How Might We
Ideation - How Might We
Paper Wireframes
Paper Wireframes
Paper Wireframes
Paper Wireframes
Lofi Wireframes
Lofi Wireframes
Prototype of Lofi Wireframes
Prototype of Lofi Wireframes
Usability Study
Usability Study
Hifi Wireframes
Accessibility Considerations
Accessibility Considerations

Takeaways 📣

What are some things you’ve learned from this project? Is there anything you’d do differently?
Impact ✅
The app significantly simplifies the search for various vaccines and vaccination centers for users.
The booking process is streamlined, yet it incorporates all the necessary features effectively.
A quote from user feedback:
"This app made vaccination booking so effortless. The standout feature is the ability to monitor the vaccination status of my friends and family members as well!"
What I learnt 🤝
During the initial research phase, the scope of user groups for the app was not as comprehensive as needed.
Testing the early prototype revealed a crucial oversight: some participants were unable to use the app due to the language barrier, as it only supported English.
This feedback was a valuable lesson in recognizing and addressing implicit biases.
Iteration is key: usability studies and peer feedback have been instrumental in refining the app's design at every step.
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Posted Nov 17, 2023

Medical vaccination app for India






UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


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Peace ☮️
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