I create visual concepts for brands and design social media posts according to the concepts.
Recently I designed many visual concepts for Sisters Labs' new projects. Here are some examples.
New Concepts of the Brand
Sisters Lab is a non-profit organization. They aim to empower women in STEM. They define themselves as energetic, inspirational, and powerful. Since they work with volunteers, visual language must be sustainable and multiplexable by designers from different levels, even non-design-related volunteers.
I created a color palette from their competitors and keywords.
They needed elements to make posts more energetic. To create sustainability and multiple-ability, I used emojis. What can be more familiar and approachable than emojis?
I created templates for different purposes. Here are some of them:
Numeric Data
Thanks to Contributors
Digital Sea Project is one of the new projects of Sisters Lab. It aims to raise awareness of digital security among high schoolers.
I designed 2 concepts with different styles. I used different approaches to understand to figure out what the team wanted.
The first concept focused on the blue of the sea. The script font and hand-drawn elements were supposed to resemble high schoolers' doodles.
First Concept
The second concept is more colorful and more drawing-like. We moved forward with this approach because we thought it complemented the SistersLabs' design language and was more vibrant.
Second Concept
We added more color and more sea-related elements over time. Designers, needs, and people varied overtime, so the look & feel changed.
Concept Over Time
Last but not least... I designed certificates for different projects. Projects were different but the purpose of empowering women and the excitement of youth didn't change a bit. So I always chose energetic colors.
If you want to contribute, say hi or hire me for my work,
please contact me: linkedin.com/in/iremnurakdemir
Thank you.
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Posted Jan 6, 2024
Social media post design, creating concepts, certificates and brand design