Altum Concepts

Kuuri M.


Brand Strategist

Public Relations Manager




More than a piece of furniture, Altum is a way of living.
More than a piece of furniture, Altum is a way of living.
Altum Concepts is a circular design studio committed to the creation of eco-friendly spaces. They gained critical acclaim for their materials innovation, but they need a digital strategy that's as cutting-edge as they are.

In a world overrun by fast-paced, revenue-driven production, how do we slow down and appreciate eco-conscious art?

A holistic approach laid out in simple, everyday terms.
A holistic approach laid out in simple, everyday terms.

Sustainability by design

Their studio feed might have been IG-worthy, but their furniture is so much more than just for show.

Each product is a statement piece demonstrating their collaboration and ingenuity. Their creations aren't merely stunning—they're a way of life. We wanted their social media to resonate with people who desire to reduce their carbon footprint in their own way.
More stories to be told within the circular economy.
More stories to be told within the circular economy.

Weaving art + storytelling

Behind every work of art is a story that deserves to be told.

It takes an ecosystem of key stakeholders to make a fundamental change in our relationship with nature. This is why I chose to engage thought leaders in the creative industry—artists, interior designers, architects. Every one of them has a role to play in redefining growth and development.
Ultimately, we want to make them part of Altum's dream: to design a world where art intertwines with sustainability.
An homage to mother nature and motherland.
An homage to mother nature and motherland.
Filipino-French artist Olivia d'Aboville is Esquire's Dreamweaver—an artist that creates bewitching, lasting narratives out of the most mundane objects.
Her first solo show, Chasm of Fantasies, was a homage to her childhood in Puerto Galera.
By fashioning sea creatures out of the very plastics that wreak havoc in their oceans, she sought to deepen the discourse on climate change.
We are honored and grateful to have worked with Olivia on our recent project at Discovery Primea!
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A circular design studio committed creating eco-friendly spaces. They garnered critical acclaim for their materials innovation.






Brand Strategist

Public Relations Manager




Kuuri M.

Curating rich narratives for your inner circle

Standout Squarespace
Standout Squarespace