Fresh design for fast recovery, a Shopify transformation

QuiteGuud Studio

Graphic Designer
Brand Strategist
Web Designer
Adobe Photoshop
NoBlah™️, innovators of the NoHangover SuperShot™️, combines science and nature to help people enjoy nights out without morning-after regrets. Their revolutionary formula promises to keep customers vibrant and headache-free after celebrating, positioning them as a leader in the hangover prevention market. For this project, we created a custom Shopify website that captures their brand's innovative spirit while prioritizing a seamless shopping experience.
Our design focused on clearly communicating the product's benefits and scientific backing, making the purchase decision effortless for customers. The site features an intuitive layout, compelling product storytelling, and streamlined checkout process. While the project has since been handed over to their team, we're proud to have established a digital foundation that supports their mission of transforming how people approach night-out recovery.
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