Texchange was a textbook exchange tool that made buying and selling used textbooks easy at university. I began to establish Texchange at university before the university started their own program that was... let's say, better funded and more supported than mine!
Texchange was built using Django and it was the first time I had ever built a Django app on my own. I scraped the university bookstore of all their textbooks once per semester to ensure that users could only buy and sell books that were offered in the store. This also made it possible for me to allow users to search for books by class, semester, or requirement.
Once a textbook was found, users could list their textbooks for sale with a price and condition OR they could add a book to their wishlist with a desired buy price. This way, if a user with a book to sell went to go post their book, they might instead be able to immediately message a buyer to save time.
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Posted Dec 3, 2021
Texchange was a textbook exchange application for universities that allowed users to sell and buy used textbooks with ease