DnD Feats

Alex Jensen


SEO Writer

Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Word

Everyone seems to know about feats like dual-wielding, lucky, and feats letting you cast when you AREN’T a magic class.
Some may even enjoy lesser-known feats, like the dragon wings or hide for Dragonborn.
But have you heard of a race trait called Fey Teleportation?
Or what about the Charger feat for strength-based melee?
In this ranking we’re talking about feats that enhance the style of play more than enhancing class or race.
Each feat will be looked at for its lesser-known status, and how it can change the way you play. All of these feats were also chosen mostly from base D&D to make it accessible to as many players as possible.

5. Sharpshooter Specialty: Sniper Archer

When you play your favorite roleplaying game or first person shooter, are you the one to hang back and deal damage from a safe distance away?
The sharpshooter feat can help you do that.
It is perhaps a slightly more well-known feat, but underrated all the same.
This can help you hang back, hit your target, and be well out of the way of danger.
Specifically, it allows you to ignore most cover and not take disadvantage when you’re too far away.
This next aspect sounds like it might not be a good thing, but if your stats are high enough and you roll well enough, you can take a -5 to your attack roll to add +10 damage.
Not only can you hit virtually anything, but you can deal massive amounts of damage while you’re at it.

4. Everybody’s Friend (From UA) Specialty: Diplomacy/Roleplay

You do have to be half-elf for this feat.
But if you are & want to take the diplomacy route, this one’s for you.
Not every battle has to be a contest of wills or strength. With your skill, you can see both sides of the argument and lead to a peaceful resolution between parties.
You can deceive or persuade everyone to your side of thinking, and help everyone get along. Or you can play parties against each other.
There really are so many ways to use this feat:
Be the infiltrator who makes their way into the bandit camp, convinces the leader you’re a friend, and quietly push them all to their doom or victory
Or be an advisor to the royal family (for real or for fake), manipulate an entire kingdom on the false or true trust they might place in you
After all, how many people don’t trust the diplomat?

3. Actor Specialty: Roleplay/Stealth

With this feat, you gain a point in Charisma, but also have an advantage on trying to pretend to be other people.
Imagine playing as a deceptive rogue or a bard of satire(UA).
How many pranks could be played by imitating others?
Too many to count.
A bard could make a killing off of impersonating nobility in blue-collar taverns. Or get paid top dollar to be the king’s stunt double.
No matter how it’s played, it’s nearly guaranteed to add fun into the game for the player who can pull it off.

2. Master of Disguise Speciality: Stealth

Not every stealth mission is just about sneaking passed the enemy.
Sometimes it requires the ability to walk right by undetected.
The Master of Disguise feat allows you to gain proficiency with the disguise kit. And if you already are, you can double your proficiency bonus with it.
This makes it so easy to blend in when a heist is going on.
If you already know the joint you’re sneaking into, spend an hour to observe, then craft your disguise. You’ll be able to walk in without anyone ever knowing.
This is an underrated style of playing for stealth.
Few players see the value of not just relying on dexterity, but on skill with your tools of the trade.
So this feat can be played with the spy infiltrating the enemy camp, or as the rogue waltzing into the nobleman’s mansion to steal them blind.

1. Fell Handed Speciality: Melee Combat

Have you ever wanted to not just knock the enemy senseless, but also make it super easy for your teammates to knock them senseless?
The Fell Handed feat will do just that.
Not only do you do more damage, but you can also knock the enemy prone, and knock their shield aside.
This feat can be paired with the protector style of combat playing, or as a raging barbarian just wanting to knock people around with brute strength.
And you gain a +1 to each attack roll with a heavy weapon like a battleax or warhammer. Even when you have a disadvantage, you can still deal damage if the higher roll would have hit.
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Posted Feb 9, 2024

I wrote an article featuring keywords such as 'DnD Feats', 'underrated', and 'Dungeons and Dragons'. The piece was to highlight the under utilized feats in DnD.






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Alex Jensen

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