Xamoon - The app builder tool allows users to create apps linkin

Alex Shchetynin

Android Developer
iOS Developer


We have been collaborating with Xamoom since they came to us with the idea of creating an app builder that would make life easier for tourists and benefits customers.
Xamoom GmbH, an award-winning company recognized by the Bank Austria Art Prize and several other accolades such as Nominee World Summit Awards and Born Global Champion.
Raised - $1.1M


The following are a few features we developed:
• Customizable start screen
• Notifications with relevant information
• Support different types of media attached to a location, including text, images, audio guides, interactive maps, videos, and more
• Scan QR codes and a variety of other machine-readable codes, such as EAN/UPC barcodes, DataMatrix, Aztec, Code 39/93/128, 2of5, and more
• Different modes of movement, such as walking, driving, or biking
• Events manager
• Integration with online maps and calendars
Support of the vouchers, 3rd integration, and other features.
We regularly add innovative and user-friendly features to the primary product to ensure our clients are always ahead of the competition. We also develop and maintain various smart apps that use our original platform. This way, we help customers increase their revenue and bring an excellent experience to the end-user of the apps.
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