Masham businesses fear impact if troubled Black Sheep Brewery c…

Flora Grafton

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Black Sheep is a tourist attraction in Masham
As Masham celebrated the King’s Coronation, people in the small market town have spoken of hopes a buyer can be found for the Black Sheep Brewery.
Last week, Black Sheep announced administrators had been appointed after being “hit very hard” by the pandemic and a rise in costs.
The company, which employs around 50 members of staff, was founded in 1992 and has become a tourist hotspot bringing a significant amount of footfall to the town.
One local business owner told the Stray Ferret people are worried about a potential loss of income for their own businesses if the brewery doesn’t survive.
Tim Ledbetter, owner of Bentley’s of Masham, said:

“With it being such a big employer, there is then a big knock-on effect.
“We get a lot of trade from visitors of Black Sheep — it could be detrimental.”
The brewery reported turnover of £14.3 million as of March 31, 2022, according to its most recent accounts. However, it also stated a pre-tax loss of £1.18 million, compared to £862,871 profit in the previous year.

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Reports of interest from several potential buyers has given some cause for cautious optimism.
Emily Swift, an employee of Through the Looking Glass, said:

“People were definitely concerned, but talks of a possible buyer has eased worries.”
A confirmed acquisition or sale has not yet been confirmed, and Teneo remains in place as the brewery’s financial adviser.
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