What you immediately need to do about your anxiety!

Amer Elkarori

Content Writer

These steps will relieve your anxiety in just a few minutes!

Say goodbye to crippling thoughts which ruins your day.
Do you find yourself surrounded with all these thoughts which creep up in your head in almost everything you do and feel like you have no control over them?
Are they affecting your everyday activity and you feel like it’s keeping you from reaching your full potential?
You see other people effortlessly cruising through their day while simple activities and interactions can feel like a mountain on your shoulders.
You’re not alone!
Thousands of people throughout the world carry the same load and it’s frustrating when people can’t be their true selves because they’re afraid of saying the wrong thing or they’re worried what other people think.
Trust me, I know this from experience!
I’ve had the same struggle for as long as I can remember and only recently when I started applying the tips I’m going to show you, I became more comfortable and confident in different situations and my overall productivity throughout the day improved as well!
These steps are easy and can be done anywhere by anyone so follow along.
1. Ask yourself these questions
- On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely is it that the thing I’m anxious about will happen?
- Do I have a good reason to think that something will go wrong?
- Is there a chance I’m just overly worried?
Asking yourself these questions will help put things into perspective and you’ll likely feel less anxious about whatever situation you’re in.
2. Remind yourself that you are safe
Realize that whatever thoughts are inside your head are just that, INSIDE YOUR HEAD, and that you’re probably fine in real life.
Everyone is too busy thinking about themselves and don’t really care if you zoned out and started singing I will survive by Gloria Gaynor in the middle of a conversation (unless you’re in a work meeting where you probably wanna avoid that).
This thinking can put you in the moment and reboot your brain to make you feel less anxious.
3. Practice positive self-talk
This is the most crucial step.
Notice when you encourage someone to do something they’re nervous about like talking to someone they like or performing on stage or just as simple as making a phone call, they subconsciously do better?
This is because positive self talk will help you see the whole truth, not just the negative aspect of things. It will help you build your confidence and self-esteem and you’ll feel more in control of the events of your life.
A few examples would be: - “ I am capable of getting through this” - “ I’m proud of myself for what I’ve achieved so far” - “ I can’t control what other people do or say, I can only control my actions” - “ I trust in myself ”
Your words are powerful, they can make or break you. If you can’t be your own best friend, don’t expect someone else to be!
4. Just breathe
If you take a moment, sit down and take a few deep breaths you will instantly calm down.
This is a great way to reduce your stress and get a clear mind. You will be able to rationalize your thoughts and make positive decisions in whatever is going on in your life.
Your thoughts don’t control you, you control your thoughts!
Free yourself from the mental prison, and you’ll be free for life!
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