Hugs & Life Podcast host

Ihcene mina


Podcast Editor

Podcast Producer

Script Writer



Spotify for Podcasters

Currently playing episode

How to Avoid TOXIC Relationship☢☢☣ and RED flags❌⛔🔺🔺 talks !!!

Be free to reach me on any form of social media @hugsandlife for any suggestions or questions for next episodes!
Take care Mina.

We Growing up When we .... ✔♣🙌🙌

Maturity is a process of personal growth and development that allows us to navigate life's challenges and responsibilities in a healthy and constructive way. But how can we recognize when we've grown up?
Hey welcome back to our podcast Hugs & Life, today's I wanted to share with you the signs that come from maturity and some tips to get our life together to the better one
If you enjoyed don't forget to put some stars and leave a comment if you want anything to add.
Keep Huging , Keep Living .

How to ACCEPT and LOVE MYself ?? ❤🙌💕

hey guys i know you have missed me so far , but im back with new episode , great one , its about love and not just love its about loving and accepting myself , i can only say that you need to check this episode if you want to know more 😉😉😎😎😘😘
see you sharing this episode and subscribe to this chanel ..
keep huging keep living .

How we can set BOUNDARIES 🎯♣♣ ??

Hey guys, in this episode we gonna talk about WHY boundaries are important and how we can know our boundaries ?? most importantly how we can set them and talk about them with friends and family ??
Please if you liked this episode don't forger to subscribe to my podcast channel " hugs & life " and rate it, please i wanna grow more and help everyone who needs to express his well-being .
untill next time , Keep hugging , keep living .

Small advices BIG effect : NEW YEAR edition 🎊🎄

Hey guys , i hope you liked the first part of small advices big effect , because this is part two and special edition , for NEW YEAR , im gonna be talking about 5 things that i have learned in 2022 !! I hope you like it
ps " dont forget to follow the show and rate it on spotify !

Small Advices BIG effect ?? Partie 1

Hey guys in this episode i am talking about this long disapear time that i did and what the lessons that i have learn with it so enjoy .

Reminder , Live it now ^_^

hey sur cet épisode je viens de faire small reminder sur la vie , c'est short episode mais j'ai l'impression que you gonna like it , if you did just give this little stars and if you have anything to say or add leave me message on my Instagram " mina5_lifestyle "

Healing from depression ? HOW ? my experience with depression / Guest Hamza Talks

This is one of my hard and vulnerable episode that i ever record ; and also it's my first time having a guest @Hamzatalks i honestly love it ; just talking about my experience with depression ,that its tooks me so long to get out mais i am glad that i get the chance to talk about that with HAMZA , for more details listen to the whole episode , and if you like it , give me some stars on my podcast ; or just you can tell me your honest opinion about it in my instagram " mina5_lifestyle "

How to STAY Motivated ??

hey guys donc sur cette episode je veux vous parle sur le sujet de motivation how we can get the motivation on prenons l'example de moi et how we can stay motivated and dont forget to rate this episode and ask me whatever you want on my instagram :
Sep 23, 202209:52
May 23, 202208:04


In this episode, we gonna talk about something quite interesting its self-care with all outside thoughts we forget to focus on ourselves and our health even though it's the most important thing to do if we want to help others.
Feb 19, 202204:37
Feb 02, 202203:58
Like this project

Posted Oct 29, 2024

just a small 🥸brief of life that we face everyone in life with much details , emotions , feelings , love , hate , sharing my experiences through lessons 💫






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