Making an ROI on Rising Facebook Ad Costs

Tapesh Chowdhury

Digital Marketer
eCommerce Marketer
Search Engine Marketing
Facebook Ads
Facebook Business Manager
Instagram Ads

Owning an online store offers the advantage of targeting specific niche audiences while still driving leads and boosting sales. A feat that SkeletonHD, specializing in unique skull jewelry for men, capitalizes on. Despite its distinctive offerings, SkeletonHD encountered difficulties in realizing returns on its Facebook Ad campaign amidst escalating costs.

Facing the Challenge: Achieving ROI Amidst Soaring Facebook Ad Expenses The reality of escalating Facebook Ad costs, with an average CPC soaring to $0.97, posed a significant obstacle for SkeletonHD and similar small e-commerce ventures. Samer Biladi, the owner of SkeletonHD, recognized the urgency to harness Facebook Ads before costs surged further, despite competitors diverting resources to alternative platforms.

Despite heavy investment, SkeletonHD witnessed a 30% decrease in customer acquisition, with increased prospects failing to translate into sales.

Crafting a Strategy:

Upon taking our services, we helped SkeletonHD to implement insights from critical Facebook Ads trends, subsequently reaching out for assistance.

Recognizing a lack of management in their Facebook advertising strategy, SkeletonHD realized the necessity for automation and diving deep on their data. Their initial approach, employing identical ads across all Facebook mediums, hindered effective audience targeting and limited reach to familiar Facebook users.

Img : Ad variations which we created to show in front of ideal customers

Acknowledging the strain on resources and time, Samer heeded advice to adopt an automated advertising strategy for Facebook, incorporating various tactics:

  • Campaign budget optimization
  • Automatic placements
  • Automatic language translation
  • Dynamic formats
  • Multiple text optimization
Img: On average ROAS was 10+

Leveraging these strategies, Facebook's automation tools enabled Samer to maintain budget adherence, diversify ad placements across Facebook and Meta platforms, extend reach to a global audience, optimize ad performance, and introduce diverse text variations within ads.

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