Online TutorDuty App

Fida Marwat

Graphic Designer
Web Designer
Product Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
TutorDuty is a premier learning platform that connects students with the largest community of professional tutors worldwide. With a focus on online learning and real-world results, students can access high-quality education from anywhere, enhancing their academic journey and achieving their goals.
I was responsible for🟥
Defined color schemes to establish a cohesive visual identity.
Selected and worked with fonts and typography, choosing the renowned Google font Lato.
Designed the initial logo for the platform, titled TutorDuty.
Created all screen designs using Figma and Adobe Photoshop tools.
In this project, I defined the colors and typography used in the TutorDuty app. On the left side, I displayed color palettes with codes representing primary, accent, and neutral colors. On the right side, I provided an overview of typography, highlighting the use of the Lato Google font.
In this project, I showcased all screens with prototyping using the Figma tool. Every component is meticulously named, organized, and combined into Figma files. Each screen and component is created in high-quality vector format, making them easy to customize for future updates.

What have I learned from this project?

Typography: Through this project, I enhanced my understanding of typography, learning how to define and select appropriate typefaces for any project from the outset.
Color Schemes: I gained valuable insights into color schemes, including the meanings behind different colors and how to create effective color palettes for various projects.
Figma: My experience with this project allowed me to gain a deeper command of the Figma tool, a powerful resource for UX/UI design.
Online Learning System: I became familiar with online learning tools and platforms, understanding how to effectively use them to connect with skilled tutors from around the world.

Getting more Info

I will be available upon your request. Please get me in touch and email me for any query.
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