Open the project is VS code (or your favorite editor)
Locate the VS Code status bar (the blue bar at the bottom of the window):
Select a device from the Device Selector area
Invoke Run > Start Debugging or press f5
Wait for the app to launch — progress is printed in the Debug Console view.
Creating a dialogflow agent
Create a dialogflow agent by following these steps from google dialogflow documents
Add your agents json file to pubspec.yaml file as an asset
Replace the dummy text in lib/pages/ChatBotPage.dart with your agents json file
Stack in use
Fontend : Frontend is setup using flutter and programmed in a way that it can be ran on desktop , web and android/ios !
Dialogflow : All the intents and conversations are initiated from a dialogflow agent.
Design : UI design was prototyped on Figma and conversational design on Miro
PWA support
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are built and enhanced with modern APIs to deliver enhanced capabilities, reliability, and installability while reaching anyone, anywhere, on any device with a single codebase. Our application is PWA ready for your device !
Lighthouse score
Not to flex but here's the Lighthouse score for our website
We conducted tests with random users to iteratively build Chirp to be a better application
Testing was conducted on zoom/discord and users were asked to share there screen or camera if they are comfortable so as to note any visible confusion/dislike about something
Testing document can be found at
We are also building unit tests , integrated tests and widget tests for flutter code itself which will make the codebase more robust in future iterations
Conversational Design
Following Google's guide on conversational design we designed our conversation even before implementing the bot itself
The Guide can be found at the following link
Evaluating Chirp
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Promoters : 60%
Neutral : 20%
Detractors: 20%
Based on feedbacks from these tests we updated Chirp to have a profile picture , multiple texts animation, better contexual dialog , fixing some broken intents and much more !
More information can be found by visiting the testing section of this readme
Conversation Interactions
Future scope
Adding intents with fulfillments to send requests to a server to make responses dynamic
Expanding topics targeted during conversations to cover all of topics and subtopics that come under Sex and relationship education
Login/signup to provide user based features
Feature to pick up a conversation from a particular point