Google Chrome Bookmarks

Donald Ogah


User Researcher

UX Designer

UI Designer




Problem Statement

Chrome has a bookmark feature for its users and it’s a good system but it becomes difficult to easily locate your exact search when you have over 30 bookmarks.
Here is a screenshot of the existing bookmarks manager
Here is a screenshot of the existing bookmarks manager


Create a quicker and more intuitive path for users to take when looking for a desired bookmark.

Task and User Flows

Task Flow
Task Flow
User Flow
User Flow

Sketches (Ideation Phase)

Idea 1: Gallery Albums
Idea 1: Gallery Albums
Idea 2: Carousel
Idea 2: Carousel
Idea 3: Tree branching
Idea 3: Tree branching
Idea 4: Golden Key
Idea 4: Golden Key

Gallery Albums (Chosen Solution)

New bookmarks manager
New bookmarks manager
articles folder
articles folder
All bookmarks
All bookmarks

Usability Testing

After designing and prototyping, I had some users both online and offline test the design. Some were professionals in tech and others were not in the tech industry. Majority of the people who used the design were satisfied and gave positive remarks. One Product manager in particular gave some suggestions so I decided to build on it and present an alternative solution with its own prototype flow.
Below is a sample of the design
Solution after user testing
Solution after user testing

Lessons And Takeaways

After testing the design, users found the Gallery Albums solution to be visually appealing and easy to navigate. They appreciated the familiar grouping style and found it easier to locate bookmarks with the new arrangement.
In creating this solution, I was able to explore other features that weren’t visible in the beginning of the process. The “share to others” button came about when I was making the screen for the “cooking folder”. A person might want to share those particular group of bookmarks to a friend or family member.
When you are stuck during any process, take some time away and come back to the issue with a fresh perspective. This approach helped me a lot in the ideation stage.
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Posted Sep 30, 2023

Redesign of an already existing google product in the market.






User Researcher

UX Designer

UI Designer




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