Children's Book Editorial Design

Trina Bloemen

Print Designer
Visual Designer
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Google Drive
Hardcover English/French bilingual edition.

Designed and formatted an original children's book, "I Wish Mom Was an Octopus," by Mama Lyza. The illustration & book copy were previously created by a talented artist/author, and I brought the book to life and helped to publish it on Kindle Direct Publishing platform.

I created the unique cover design (front and back), and formatted all of the interior spreads. This included the copyright page, all of the story pages, an "About the author" page, and title pages.

This work entailed selecting appropriate typefaces, and placing text on the pages for an ideal reading experience. I also optimized the art work in photoshop to enhance colours, and remove pencil marks. I collaborated with the client to select legible and child-friendly typefaces that accurately conveyed the spirit of the book; with the fun and imaginative landscape of the ocean landscapes and marine characters.

"I Wish Mom Was an Octopus" is available on paperback, hardcover, in English or French, and as a bilingual edition.

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