MyZOLEO Usage Dashboard

Dennis Buizert

UX Designer
Product Designer

This case study explores the design process of revamping a data usage tracking system. It highlights a user-centered approach, focusing on immediate transparency and phased development to deliver essential functionality while planning for a future, visually engaging solution. Learn how this approach empowered users, particularly those managing large accounts, to gain control over their data plans and budgeting decisions.

The Problem

Users struggled to understand their data usage due to a lack of clarity and categorization.
The current system treated all communication as one category, hindering cost management.
This led to frustration and difficulty in optimizing plans and budgets.

Recognizing user urgency and development limitations, a two-phase approach was implemented.

Phase 1: Transparency & Efficiency (Current)
Provided detailed usage data in a raw, text format.
Empowered users, particularly those managing large accounts, to efficiently monitor data consumption across various devices.
Phase 2: Enhanced Visualization (Planned)
Future development will deliver a user-friendly visual interface with data-driven visualizations.
This will empower users to make informed decisions regarding their plans based on clear usage details.

Design Decisions

User-Centric: Prioritized immediate transparency and efficient monitoring based on user needs.
Phased Development: Balanced user urgency with development realities for timely delivery and future improvements.
Data-Driven Approach: Acknowledged the importance of detailed data for informed decision-making, especially in complex scenarios.
Continuous Improvement: Demonstrated dedication to ongoing user experience optimization through the planned visual interface upgrade.

Phase release schedule

Phase 1 delivers immediate value: increased transparency and user control over data usage.
Phase 2 will further enhance the user experience with a user-friendly visual interface for informed decision-making.
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