Intro to an Amateur Freelancer

Ky Benoit

Creative Director
Creative Writer
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Who I am: Kylie Benoit

I am a New Englander that is finally trying to pursue her dream as a freelance writer. I love meeting people from all walks of life and picking their brains about where they're from. I was born with a thirst for learning thus, my family has described me as a "jack of all trades" when it comes to pretty much any hobby you could think of.
This photo was taken with a Samsung Galaxy S10 plus
This photo was taken with a Samsung Galaxy S10 plus

My Schooling & Training

I attended a Vocational High School where I graduated in 2015 with a Vocational Certification in Media Technology. This certification entails many aspects of media including but not limited to:
Screenplay Writing
Film, Newscast, Animation and Podcast Directing
Music & Sound Production
2D & 3D Animation
Camera Operating
Green Screening
Graphic Design
Film Study
Color Theory
Web Design & Coding
Voice Acting
Video Editing
Constructing & Burning DVD Menus onto Disc
Script Writing
Academic & Entertainment Articles
Short Stories
Magazine, Brochure & Book Formatting/Printing
And More
I also achieved a certification in "The Art of Music Production" from Berklee College of Music! Given the background of my schooling, I have become a perfectionist in my work while also being open to and encouraging about receiving constructive criticism!
This was before I got married and changed my name, of course.
This was before I got married and changed my name, of course.
Being an Amateur
While I am an amateur in the freelancing game, I have been surrounded with so many others that started where I am right now that want to help others achieve what they have. This platform allows that collaboration to happen and for that I am extremely grateful. Being a newbie in any field is a frightening thing and having intermediate people or even advanced at your disposal to receive advice or perhaps even a boost is a huge boost to one's self-confidence in a new-to-you industry. For example, if I ever feel lost or if anyone else feels like they need inspiration they may simply message another user on this site and simply ask for advice or take a look at some sample projects to get the creative ball rolling! That strong sense and encouragement of community is what makes this platform so great!
In summary, I would just like to thank anyone that has read this far into my project! I am a newcomer that has a lot to learn. By a lot, I mean pretty much everything. However, I am extremely determined to succeed in anything I do and I have always had a passion for writing that I have always been too scared to pursue professionally. But, sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith because it is better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all!
A Vectorized image I made for Astro's Playroom
A Vectorized image I made for Astro's Playroom
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