How to Explode Your Email List through Podcasting blog post

Brandi Walker

Blog Writer
Content Writer
Google Drive
The more established you start to become as a podcast show host, the more you start to grow in listeners. In some cases, these new listeners could potentially lead to new customers wanting to buy your product or services. How could you convert these listeners to potential customers? One way is through email marketing. This involves collecting emails from your listeners with the help of email marketing products such as Constant Contact or Mail Chimp. Bloggers use this method in monetizing their blogs. This has been a proven method for both them and podcasters in selling their products or services. But how can you be successful in this avenue of marketing? How do you grow your email list through your show? You can do this in six effective ways.

Create Meaningful and Unique Content

This first way may apply to bloggers, but also applies to podcasters as well. I'm talking about creating meaningful, unique content on your show's episodes. Your show has to deliver on strong content that will motivate your listeners to opt in to your email list. This content has to be consistent, unique, and valuable enough to them. When it fulfills all these things, they're going to want more and collecting their emails will allow you to offer more free content or updates that are exclusive to your subscribers.

Call to Action Links at the End of your Podcast

One way of growing a steady stream of subscribers is to promote your email marketing list. You could try doing this at the end of your podcast show. This is the time when people have been listening to your advice and highly susceptible to your suggestions. You may want to give your listeners a simple web address that can be quickly written down or entered in a web browser. If you give them something that is long and wordy, it may leave their minds quick in a hurry. You could also add a link to subscribe to your podcast on your show notes instead of mentioning at the end.

Create a Downloadable Content Upgrade

Another way of growing your email list is through a downloadable content upgrade. By having a new and relevant downloadable article every time you release a podcast, you are increasing the value of your podcast to your listeners and promoting your email list. This also helps them easily remember what they have just heard about on the episode. Some options for downloadable content include a transcript of the show or an infographic detailing the important elements you've just mentioned.

Word of Mouth Marketing

If you want to generate some conversation about your podcast, then create a buzz with word of mouth marketing. This is when you encourage one person to sign up to your email marketing list and that person spreads the word about it from there. This opportunity can be maximized by creating a contest: the person with the most sign-ups to their name wins a prize or raffle for all new signatories. Adding a competition just adds a little more incentive as people love the chance to win something and asking a few friends to sign up to a list is hardly any work for them.

Offer a Free Webinar or Workshop

Have you ever tried hosting a free Webinar or Workshop discussing a topic you know and talk about on your own show already? This is an excellent way to grow your email list and something you could start doing today. For example, what if your podcast show centered on business? Why not start a free live webinar every week discussing various business-related topics? When you offer this weekly webinar to your listeners, interested listeners will want to sign up for this webinar and as a result, opt in to your email list.

Utilize Paid Advertisements on Social Media

Running paid advertisements on Facebook or YouTube is another way to grow your email list. It also takes time and patience to figure out how it will best serve your business. You could run ads about that webinar or workshop you're hosting on social media. Another great example of using social media is recording a video on YouTube that teases your next podcast episode. The video will link to your show notes page with an opt in as the call to action once they land there. Whatever form of social media you decide to use, be sure to use it well in growing your email list.
Growing an email list, whether through a blog or a podcast show, takes time and patience. But it all requires you caring about what your audience cares about in order to start building it. Because if you don't do this, there won't be a reason for them to subscribe to your show.
Have more advice on how to grow your email list through a podcast show? Drop us a line in the comments below and share your insights with other amazing podcasters.


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