Nick Collins

Framer Expert ⟡ Web / Product Designer ⟡ Art Director

Rising talent

Nick is ready to kick off new projects!

Marbella, Spain

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Meet Nick

Framer expertCertified by Framer as highly skilled.
Identity verifiedVetted for secure and trusted collaboration.

I am a highly skilled and innovative product designer with a passion for creating intuitive design systems, user interfaces, visual identities & engaging user experiences for brands and businesses who take UX seriously and want to delight their users. ◔‿◔


$100 - $150/hr

Skills and tools
Web Designer
Art Director
UI Designer
UX Designer
Product Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer
Adobe Photoshop

Marbella, Spain

(GMT+1) Central European Time (CET), ± 1 hour

Fluent in English • Professional Working Proficiency in Spanish • Limited Working Proficiency in French