UI/UX Designer for Compelling Experiences

Fish Web Design
Fish Web Design

Here I design a fish website in a unqiue and modern way you can check out prototype here:https://www.figma.com/proto/aB0iIyUfQ6BMdyJD3uzf0e/Untitled?page-id=0%3

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer

Watch web design
Watch web design

Here I design a watch website you can check it's prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/n41w7aPVrYSPRCfIOmX8J9/Untitled?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=1%3A9&viewpor

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer

Wallpaper web design
Wallpaper web design

Here I design a wallpaper web site in a unique modern and clean way you can check my prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/M66zXvLYg3S3Kfwa44l2Ok/Untitled

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer

Constraints effect protoype
Constraints effect protoype

Here I design a sneakers web design in a unique modern and clean here is the prototype you can check out:https://www.figma.com/proto/SjXvniB8Q9WgDnPp9GFDXX/Unti

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer