Yoga Aditama Ika Nanda

6+years experience as a multimedia designer

Rising talent

Yoga Aditama Ika is ready to kick off new projects!

Jakarta, Indonesia

Yoga Aditama Ika avatar

Meet Yoga Aditama Ika

Earned $1k+Verified earnings from completed projects.
Identity verifiedVetted for secure and trusted collaboration.

Hi, I'm Tama, a multimedia designer with over 6+ years of experience in brand identity, user interface design, motion ads, and digital imaging for various brands across the USA-Asia region.


$25 - $50/hr

Skills and tools
Visual Designer
Digital illustrator
UI Designer
Brand Designer
Photo Editor
Motion Designer
Photo Retoucher
2D Animator
Multimedia Designer
Graphic Designer
Digital Marketer
Web Designer
UX Designer
Creative Design
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Audition
Adobe Media Encoder
Adobe Premiere Pro
Adobe XD
Adobe InDesign

Jakarta, Indonesia

(GMT+8) China Standard Time (CST), ± 5 hours

Fluent in English