LessonsUp : Career Guidance Service In San Francisco, Californi…
Discover how We Scale Startups worked with LessonsUp to help them increase subscribers and improve engagement using Facebook ads and landing pages.
Digital Marketer
Growth Marketer
Marketing Strategist
Ned: A Financial Technology Platform - Case Study
iscover how I worked with Ned to help them increase brand awareness and acquire new leads through a Google Ads campaign.
Digital Marketer
Growth Marketer
Marketing Strategist
Greenscreen: Marketing A CBD Brand With Advertising Restriction…
Discover how I helped Greenscreen to scale sales and increase customer Life Time Value (LTV) for a science-backed CBD marketplace.
Digital Marketer
Growth Marketer
Marketing Strategist
Bespoke Housekeeping: Growing A Local Business With SEO - Case …
Discover how I refreshed offline and online branding, improved social branding and generated leads for a local business.
Digital Marketer
Growth Marketer
Marketing Strategist
EQuoo: Growing A Mobile Mental Health Game - Case Study
Discover how I worked with eQuoo to establish the brand, identify good execution channels and optimise customer acquisition.
Digital Marketer
Growth Marketer
Web Developer