SEO Expert: Boosting Local Business Visibility

Increase Calls 300% on a Furniture Renovation Company (No Ads)
Increase Calls 300% on a Furniture Renovation Company (No Ads)

This case study explores how our strategic management and optimization of Google My Business (GMB) resulted in a remarkable 300% YoY increase in calls.

SEO Specialist

Increase Calls to a Dental Clinic by 80%
Increase Calls to a Dental Clinic by 80%

Daniel revamped the local SEO strategy for a dental clinic, resulting in a 80% increase in calls and a significant rise in revenue for the clinic.

SEO Specialist

Creating and ranking a new website on the Energy Sector
Creating and ranking a new website on the Energy Sector

This case study outlines how we helped a client in the competitive energy industry create a website and increase his website’s visibility and engagement.

SEO Specialist