SEO Content Writer for Business Blogs and Websites

Solar Article: 5 Things to Know About Snow on Solar Panels
Solar Article: 5 Things to Know About Snow on Solar Panels

Created digestible maintenance and care information for company products to establish brand trust

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Microsoft Office 365

Herpetoculture Article: Kenyan Sand Boa Care Guide
Herpetoculture Article: Kenyan Sand Boa Care Guide

Provided digestible care information for a niche hobby animal to strengthen company reputation and encourage conversion

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Microsoft Office 365

Marketing Article: Medical Marketing Best Practices
Marketing Article: Medical Marketing Best Practices

Disseminated industry best practices to potential clients to convert sales

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Microsoft Office 365

Medical Article: Bedsores
Medical Article: Bedsores

Presented medical information in an accessible manner to encourage customer contact

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Microsoft Office 365

Science Article: Understanding UV
Science Article: Understanding UV

Boosted consumer loyalty and encouraged conversion through educational writing combined with inclusive advertising

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Microsoft Office 365

Education Article: Japanese Pronouns Made Easy
Education Article: Japanese Pronouns Made Easy

Created accessible learning materials for foreign language students that also drove traffic to paid courses

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Microsoft Office 365

Legal Article: Immigration Polarization
Legal Article: Immigration Polarization

Improved firm reputation by reacting to breaking legal news and offering substantive interpretation for non-legal audiences

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Microsoft Office 365

Dental Article: Kids Ask the Dentist
Dental Article: Kids Ask the Dentist

Expanded client outreach to new demographic using accessible writing to address questions and concerns.

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Microsoft Office 365