How to Hire a Remote Social Media Creator

Samantha Taylor
April 7, 2022
· 5 min read

A whopping 4.6 billion people around the world use social media — that’s over 58% of the global population 🤯 so it’s crucial for brands to establish a strong presence on today’s top social platforms in order to stay visible. In this post, we’ll go over how social media can spearhead a brand’s growth, why it should be a key element to your marketing strategy, and how to best leverage an independent Social Media Creator.
What is a Social Media Creator and why should I hire one?
A Social Media Creator produces short-form content optimized for different social platforms that represent a brand, company, or individual. They’re fully immersed in the fast-paced world of social media and create informative content based on what’s currently trending among your target audience.
With their expertise, your brand’s mission can be conveyed to a wider audience, and bring new eyes to your platform. Based on the audience you’re trying to attract, you’ll learn that you can broaden your community even more than you would’ve expected.
While many brands and entrepreneurs often handle social media themselves, it’s common to hire a freelancer to support this effort. It may seem like a fairly simple job to some, but creating content for social media can be pretty demanding — it requires constant creativity, an analytical mindset, dedication, and consistency.
How social media has changed
Social media has evolved dramatically over the last decade. In its early days, there wasn’t an immediate need or desire to utilize social media for marketing — back then, most people were simply interested in learning about their peers’ day-to-day lives.
Fast forward to today, a social media presence is crucial to growing a brand’s customer base and community, and their social presence is almost equivalent to credibility in their industry.
What are some things I should know before hiring a freelance Social Media Creator?
When searching for a freelance Social Media Creator, it’s important to understand what you’re looking for. There will be times when Content Creators can utilize their multifaceted skills to take things to the next level. Here are some things Social Media Creators can do👇

What are common misconceptions that Social Media Creators face?
There are often times when they can get sucked into roles that don’t necessarily meet their skillset. A few common misconceptions about what Creators can do include:
Copywriting or content writing — While it’s common practice for Creators to write captions or scripts for short-form videos, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they write copy for long-form emails, blog posts, or websites.
SEO and paid advertising — Creators may have experience in putting money behind their content, but this isn’t normally within their scope of work. If Clients want to hire a Creator forstrategyovercreation, make that clear at the very beginning.
Analytics and ROI — Clients should set KPIs and note bigger outcomes they want to see — Creators can then use these to mesh trends with business goals to make creative and engaging content.
What are the perks of hiring an independent Social Media Creator?
When you hire an independent Social Media Creator, you’re hiring a pair of fresh eyes to share your company’s brand and mission with the world. They’re tuned into the ever-changing trends and bring the skills they’ve learned to the table.

Their creative process, in full force — As an Independent, Social Media Creators are given the freedom to express their ideas without going through different individuals to get approval on their work. This means you’ll be put in the position to move ideas forward, faster.
Learn, learn, learn — Independents have niched their skills to a T, and each Independent will use their marketing skills in diverse ways. You’ll learn a lot about organization, batching content, analytics, and best practices for communication 📣
How can I be a better Client to an independent Social Media Creator?
Put your trust in the Independent, because they’re the expert! Here are some other things to note when working with an Independent 👇

Let’s talk business — Make sure to lay out all business goals, as this will help the Independent’s strategy while creating content.
Travel back in time — Take note of the things you’ve done in the past and let the Independent know what worked and what didn’t. This will help guide the content they create.
Create a timeline — It can be easy to work sporadically, but it’s never fun. Give your Independent a detailed timeline and set milestones together. Once you reach the finish line, it’ll feel so incredibly motivating.
At the end of the day, it is most important that you and your Independent are on the same page. Creating timelines, being transparent, and setting the right boundaries are just a few ways to develop an excellent partnership with an Independent.
Hire Social Media Creators on Contra ⬇️
Contra is the Independent-first community and commission-free hiring platform empowering the future of work. We match Independents with flexible opportunities, and Clients with the perfect Independent for any project — from content creation to coding and more.
To post your first opportunity on Contra, visit

Samantha Taylor
Social Strategist
Hi, I'm Sam -- community builder 👋 My skills in community management, social media marketing, copywriting and influencer management can be the game-changer for your brand. Let's connect!