Developed brand copy, tone & voice guidelines, and user personas for Paloma, a dating platform that helps people find their person.
Reimagining Firsthand's band identity & presence, including messaging development, brand strategy, website design, and more.
I've worked with multiple brands as a strategy lead to develop brand identities, tone of voice, messaging, and positioning.
Refocused brand strategy to tell a more empathetic and human story through content. Built the community engagement strategy to gather real customer stories.
I developed bite-size educational videos and content for socials, guiding prospective and current Divvy customers through Divvy program specifics.
I worked with vegan ice cream brand Coconuts Organic to develop a brand, creative, and social media strategy.
I developed a social media and content strategy for the Etsy Good Store—a pop-up and digital campaign highlighting products that do good for people & the planet