Audio Production & Content Writing

Google Drive Link To Content Writing
Google Drive Link To Content Writing

The project contains a google link below, which include all the work I have done as a content writer.

Script Writer
Google Docs
Google Drive
Microsoft Word

Serial Killer Zodiac Scriptwriting
Serial Killer Zodiac Scriptwriting

I wrote a whole documentary style script for a client for their Youtube Channel, summarizing how the most dangerous killer in human history was and full detail

Script Writer
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

Therac-25 Documentary Writing
Therac-25 Documentary Writing

I have written (for a client) the Therac-25 incident, for they wanted it in documentary style and post on Youtube.

Script Writer
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

Best of the Best Music Production
Best of the Best Music Production

This project involved creating electronic music while also writing lyrics for it, the project was made using Audacity and by playing different instruments.

Music Producer
Music Curator