Designed and developed full stack software MVP using NodeJS, React, Postgres and Remix
Worked on a team to rewrite an application using a full stack Nodejs framework
Developing visually engaging data visualizations with Mapbox and React for telling amazing stories
An automated analysis for mapping out the Transit Density for the State of California went from days to 3 minutes
My portfolio is where I like to write about my work and show off my personal projects (The dots on the map are live vehicle locations 🤫)
Designed, developed and deployed a Saas application to sell to niche customers based on customer feedback
This project is a sample project to work with transit agencies. It uses the universal data specification that I have written a program to automatically update.
Used React and Tailwind to develop a client's Saas landing page and improved designs with better messaging and H1 hero image.
Analyzed and visualized excel data to display in a web application