Digital marketing | Web design | Video editing

Sophisticated lady - short film
Sophisticated lady - short film

Film-noir inspired short film, with hard lighting and shadows, soft focus, coloured and crushed to match the film aesthetic of the genre.

Video Editor
Video Producer
Audio Equipment
Final Cut Pro

Independent film-streaming website
Independent film-streaming website

Designed and developed website for streaming and DVD sales of independent film. Developed all functionality to generate and provide encrypted film streaming.

Web Designer
Web Developer
Video Editor
DaVinci Resolve

Dance event video promotions
Dance event video promotions

Full production of a series of short-form videos for a monthly dance event, forming the most important visual aspect of brand promotion on social media.

Brand Designer
Video Editor
Social Media Marketer
DaVinci Resolve

Event marketing short-form videos
Event marketing short-form videos

Full creation from idea to social media marketing, of short-form videos promoting a monthly dance event and parent brand.

Digital Marketer
Video Editor
Video Producer
DaVinci Resolve

Video production of online course for personal development
Video production of online course for personal development

Full development, from inception to completion, of an evergreen, online course for an independent life coach and multi-modality teacher.

Video Editor
Video Producer
DaVinci Resolve

Short-form social media video ads for dance workshops
Short-form social media video ads for dance workshops

Series of short-form videos, for social media marketing of dance workshops.

Video Editor
Video Producer
Social Media Marketer
DaVinci Resolve

Healthcare provider website
Healthcare provider website

Design of simple healthcare practitioner's website, providing their background, contact and direct patient booking services.

Web Designer
Backend Engineer
Web Developer

Band and album website
Band and album website

Design of a one-page website, creating a web presence for a new tango band, while presenting their latest studio album

Brand Designer
Web Designer
Web Developer