Online Business Manager (OBM) to handle all your business needs

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About this service


In short, I help to streamline all of the nitty-gritty background stuff, freeing you up to fall back in love with your creative business.
To take your business to the next level, you need to be able to confident leaving the day-to-day management to somebody else, so you can focus on the big picture. For this, an OBM is perfect - somebody to take care of team management, customer communication, project management, social media operations and marketing, and much more.
I approach each and every project with a problem-solving mentality and a keen eye for detail, so you can feel confident that every aspect of your creative business management is under control. So you can feel assured that your team is making progress towards your business goals, whilst you take the steps to push those goals even further

What's included

  • Online Business Manager (OBM) and Business Analysis

    As your business grows, you'll find yourself spending more time managing and less time on actually creating value, nurturing your community, generating new ideas and focusing on what really matters to you. That's where I step in, taking care of the day-to-day so you can rest easy and focus on the big picture.

  • Business & Project Management Setup & Maintenance

    Want to get your team set up on Asana, ClickUp, Trello, Jira,, Notion, or any other tool of choice? Work with me to create a custom setup, tailored to your team, complete with training so you can hit the ground running. Helps you optimise your team's time and efficiency, aid in accountability, and help with project management

  • Optimizing Systems & Processes

    Is your business running as efficiently as it could be? Do you have all your processes mapped out and documented, so a new team member can easily hit the ground running? Let's take a deep dive into your workflows, systems, processes and much more. By automating and documenting your day-to-day processes, we can streamline and simplify how things are run. This includes creating SOPs, file and database audits and organisation, and more.

  • Customer Service and Social Media Support

    Need some additional backup for your customer service representative? I can help keep a birds-eye-view of your socials, CRM, newsletter service, emails and data dashboard, to help you further nurture relationships with your clients, customers and community.

Skills and tools

Project Manager
Business Strategist
OBM Retainer
G Suite

Work with me