Multi-Role Web App UX Design for SaaS

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About this service


This service focuses on designing scalable, role-based user interfaces and workflows that ensure smooth operations, data access control, and personalized experiences for each type of user within the SaaS platform.

Role-Specific Tailoring: The entire process is designed to create unique experiences for admins, managers, and users, ensuring each role’s needs are addressed.

Efficiency & Scalability: The information architecture and user flows are structured to scale with additional roles or features, ensuring long-term efficiency.

Reduced Errors & Improved Adoption: Usability testing and customization minimize user confusion and improve adoption rates across all roles.

Seamless Developer Handoff: With detailed documentation and interactive prototypes, development becomes smoother and more aligned with the design vision.


1. Discovery & Initial Consultation (Week 1)


Understand the specific needs of the SaaS platform, its business goals, and the functionality required for each user role (admin, manager, user, etc.). This step lays the foundation for a clear and customized approach.


Kickoff Meeting: Discuss the core goals of the web app, its multi-role functionality, business objectives, and any existing product limitations or opportunities.

Role Definition: Work with the client to define the key roles in the app, outlining the responsibilities, permissions, and workflows of each role (e.g., admin controls, manager task assignments, user access).


Project Brief & Role Map: A document outlining the user roles, their goals, tasks, and permissions, as well as an agreed-upon project timeline and scope.

2. Role-Based User Research & Persona Development (Weeks 1-2)


Develop a deep understanding of each user role’s needs, pain points, and workflows, ensuring that each interface is customized to its respective user.


Interviews with Role Representatives: Conduct interviews with individuals in admin, manager, and user roles (or their equivalents) to understand their specific challenges and tasks.

Persona Creation: Develop user personas for each role, detailing their objectives, daily tasks, and common challenges within the platform.

User Journey Mapping: Map out the user journeys for each role, illustrating how they interact with the system and identifying key touchpoints and pain points.


Role-Based Personas & Journey Maps: Visual representations of personas and their user journeys, which guide the design process and ensure a role-specific focus.

3. Information Architecture & User Flows (Weeks 3-4)


Create a structured and intuitive architecture for the web app, ensuring that each role’s content, permissions, and actions are easily accessible and logically organized.


Information Architecture (IA) Design: Develop an IA map that outlines content hierarchy and access levels based on roles, ensuring that admins have more control, while users see only what’s necessary for their tasks.

Role-Specific User Flows: Design user flows for key tasks such as managing users (admin), assigning tasks (manager), and completing tasks (user). These will outline the step-by-step interactions for each role.


IA Diagram & User Flows: A complete diagram of the app’s structure and role-based user flows, providing a blueprint for designing the different user experiences within the app.

4. Wireframing & Prototyping for Role-Based Interfaces (Weeks 4-6)


Design role-specific interfaces, focusing on functionality, task efficiency, and intuitive navigation for each user type.


Wireframing: Create low-fidelity wireframes for each role’s core screens (e.g., admin dashboards, manager task views, user workflows), focusing on the layout and flow of information.

High-Fidelity Prototypes: Develop high-fidelity prototypes for each role, with detailed interactions, visual elements, and branding. These will simulate the real app experience.

Interactive Prototyping: Create clickable prototypes for each role, allowing stakeholders to test and review the interactions and flows for admins, managers, and users.


Wireframes & Interactive High-Fidelity Prototypes: Fully designed wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes that represent the user interface and interactions for each role.

Here’s a detailed process for the Multi-Role Web App UX Design for SaaS service, keeping in mind that this service targets SaaS clients who need web apps with distinct user roles (e.g., admin, manager, user). The process focuses on delivering user-centered designs that cater to each role’s specific needs and responsibilities.

1. Discovery & Initial Consultation (Week 1)


Understand the specific needs of the SaaS platform, its business goals, and the functionality required for each user role (admin, manager, user, etc.). This step lays the foundation for a clear and customized approach.


Kickoff Meeting: Discuss the core goals of the web app, its multi-role functionality, business objectives, and any existing product limitations or opportunities.

Role Definition: Work with the client to define the key roles in the app, outlining the responsibilities, permissions, and workflows of each role (e.g., admin controls, manager task assignments, user access).


Project Brief & Role Map: A document outlining the user roles, their goals, tasks, and permissions, as well as an agreed-upon project timeline and scope.

2. Role-Based User Research & Persona Development (Weeks 1-2)


Develop a deep understanding of each user role’s needs, pain points, and workflows, ensuring that each interface is customized to its respective user.


Interviews with Role Representatives: Conduct interviews with individuals in admin, manager, and user roles (or their equivalents) to understand their specific challenges and tasks.

Persona Creation: Develop user personas for each role, detailing their objectives, daily tasks, and common challenges within the platform.

User Journey Mapping: Map out the user journeys for each role, illustrating how they interact with the system and identifying key touchpoints and pain points.


Role-Based Personas & Journey Maps: Visual representations of personas and their user journeys, which guide the design process and ensure a role-specific focus.

3. Information Architecture & User Flows (Weeks 3-4)


Create a structured and intuitive architecture for the web app, ensuring that each role’s content, permissions, and actions are easily accessible and logically organized.


Information Architecture (IA) Design: Develop an IA map that outlines content hierarchy and access levels based on roles, ensuring that admins have more control, while users see only what’s necessary for their tasks.

Role-Specific User Flows: Design user flows for key tasks such as managing users (admin), assigning tasks (manager), and completing tasks (user). These will outline the step-by-step interactions for each role.


IA Diagram & User Flows: A complete diagram of the app’s structure and role-based user flows, providing a blueprint for designing the different user experiences within the app.

4. Wireframing & Prototyping for Role-Based Interfaces (Weeks 4-6)


Design role-specific interfaces, focusing on functionality, task efficiency, and intuitive navigation for each user type.


Wireframing: Create low-fidelity wireframes for each role’s core screens (e.g., admin dashboards, manager task views, user workflows), focusing on the layout and flow of information.

High-Fidelity Prototypes: Develop high-fidelity prototypes for each role, with detailed interactions, visual elements, and branding. These will simulate the real app experience.

Interactive Prototyping: Create clickable prototypes for each role, allowing stakeholders to test and review the interactions and flows for admins, managers, and users.


Wireframes & Interactive High-Fidelity Prototypes: Fully designed wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes that represent the user interface and interactions for each role.

5. Customizable Dashboards & Permissions System (Week 6-7)


Design dynamic dashboards and a permissions system that tailors content visibility and control according to user roles.


Custom Dashboards Design: Develop customizable dashboards for each role, ensuring that admins have access to high-level controls and data, managers can oversee task progress, and users can easily manage their specific tasks.

Permissions Management Interface: Design the interface for permission controls, allowing admins to manage access levels for other users.

Data Visualization: Ensure that key metrics, reports, and insights are visually clear and actionable based on role-specific needs.


Role-Based Dashboards & Permissions Management: A set of customized dashboard designs and a permissions system tailored to each role’s needs.

7. Final Handoff & Developer Collaboration (Week 8)


Ensure a smooth transition from design to development, providing developers with all the assets, documentation, and guidance needed to build the web app’s multi-role functionality accurately.


Design File Handoff: Provide fully annotated design files (in Figma, Sketch, etc.), complete with role-specific screens, flows, and interactions.

Interactive Prototypes: Share clickable prototypes to demonstrate how each role interacts with the system.

Style Guide & Design System: Provide a style guide that includes typography, color palettes, component libraries, and guidelines to ensure consistency across all roles.

Collaborative Developer Session: I will work closely with developers to explain the designs, answer any questions, and ensure alignment on the technical implementation of the multi-role features.


Final Design Files & Documentation: A comprehensive package containing all design files, interactive prototypes, and style guides, along with detailed documentation for developers to implement the multi-role functionality.

8. Post-Launch Support & UX Optimization (Ongoing) optional*


Provide ongoing UX support and optimization based on user feedback and changing requirements after the web app is launched.


UX Audits & Iterative Updates: Regularly review the app’s performance across roles, making updates based on new user feedback or additional role requirements.

New Feature Design: As new roles or features emerge, I can design additional workflows and interfaces to keep the app scalable and efficient.


UX Optimization Plan: A tailored plan for ongoing UX improvements, ensuring the product continues to meet the needs of its multi-role user base.


  • How do you ensure the needs of different roles (admin, manager, user) are met in the design?

    I start by conducting role-based user research to understand the specific goals, responsibilities, and pain points of each role. This includes interviews, persona development, and user journey mapping. By tailoring the user flows and interfaces for each role, I ensure that the design reflects the unique tasks and permissions that each user type requires.

  • What kind of ROI can I expect from investing in this service?

    Investing in a well-structured, role-specific design means reducing the risk of user confusion and decreasing support costs post-launch. For example, improving user flows and dashboards can reduce support tickets by up to 20%, saving you $10,000 to $20,000 annually in customer support costs. Additionally, smoother onboarding and role-specific interactions can increase user retention by 10-15%, potentially adding $25,000 to $50,000 in recurring revenue each year. By preventing expensive rework during development, you could save an additional $15,000 to $30,000 on implementation costs. Overall, the total ROI could exceed $50,000 to $100,000 over the next 12 months, making this a smart investment for your business's long-term success.

  • How will you manage communication and progress updates if we’re in different time zones?

    Being aware of my most productive hours, I follow a strict work timings. But, If you're in a distant time zone, like EST, I ensure there’s at least a 2-hour overlap each day where we can connect. This allows me to keep you informed on progress, address any concerns, and make sure the project continues smoothly, regardless of time zone differences.

  • If you're in a distant time zone, like EST, I ensure there’s at least a 2-hour overlap each day where we can connect. This allows me to keep you informed on progress, address any concerns, and make sure the project continues smoothly, regardless of time zone differences.

    I provide fully detailed design files, interactive prototypes, and clear documentation (also demo looms) that outlines all functionality and role-specific workflows. Additionally, I collaborate directly with your development team to ensure they fully understand the design logic, reducing miscommunication and preventing costly redesigns during development.

What's included

  • Strategy Report

    Detailed project roadmap, key success metrics, and strategic recommendations.

  • Role-Based User Research & Persona Development

    To ensure the web app meets the distinct needs of different user roles (admin, manager, user, etc.), we’ll start with in-depth research and persona creation to map out the varying goals, responsibilities, and pain points for each role.

  • Information Architecture & User Flows for Multi-Roles

    Information architecture (IA) maps that outline content organization and permission levels for each role. Role-specific user flows, ensuring that admins, managers, and users can seamlessly navigate the app based on their responsibilities. Task-based flows that map out key actions (e.g., creating reports, assigning tasks, managing permissions) for each role.

  • Wireframing & Prototyping for Role-Based Interfaces

    Low-fidelity wireframes showing how each role’s dashboard and key screens are structured differently (e.g., admin control panels, manager oversight tools, user task interfaces). High-fidelity prototypes for each role, focusing on features like permission settings, task management, and data visualization tools. Interactive, clickable prototypes to simulate role-specific workflows and interactions.

  • Customizable Dashboards & Permissions Systems

    Customizable dashboards for each role, allowing users to configure their view based on their tasks and responsibilities. Permission management system designs, ensuring that data access and control are clearly delineated based on user roles. Visual data representation (charts, tables, graphs) tailored to each role’s needs, ensuring quick insights and actionable data.

  • Usability Testing Across Roles / Surveys

    Usability testing sessions with representatives from each role (admin, manager, user). Usability testing report detailing the feedback, key challenges, and proposed improvements for each role. Iterative design updates based on feedback to optimize the user experience for all roles.

  • Final Handoff & Developer Collaboration

    Design Files: Final high-fidelity design files (in Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, etc.) for all role-based dashboards and interfaces, organized and annotated for easy reference. Interactive Prototypes: Clickable prototypes for each role (admin, manager, user) that showcase the key interactions and workflows, ensuring developers understand the expected behavior and flow. Collaborative Sessions with Developers: Facilitate meetings or workshops with the development team to walk through the designs, answer questions, and ensure alignment on the build process. Handoff Notes for Development: Annotated notes on key areas such as form behavior, data interactions, and permission logic to provide clarity on the technical requirements for each role-based feature.



Akshay Desai • ACTO

Client • Oct 21, 2024

I highly recommend Pooja as a UX designer. She has a strong ability to understand business needs and translate them into effective design solutions. Pooja played a pivotal role in our AI projects, which were complex, improving conversion rates, revenue, and market reach. With a keen eye for detail and a user-centric approach, she consistently delivered outstanding designs. Pooja is a great team player and will be an invaluable asset to any organization, making a meaningful impact on success.

Skills and tools

Interaction Designer
UX Researcher
UX Designer


Web Apps

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