5-page Website Design & Webflow Development



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About this service


Boost your product exposure with a modern, responsive Webflow site! 🌱

Converting customers has never been easier when you work with us. As Webflow and accessibility experts, we'll help your company reach its full potential with SEO optimization, responsive and accessible design, and scalable CMS content.

How it works 🤝
  • We'll start with a free consultation to get a sense of where you're at, what your goals are, and how we can help. We'll also align on existing brand materials like colors and styles at this time.
  • We'll take all the information discussed at the consultation and develop an initial concept. At this stage, we usually share a first draft of your home page at desktop size.
  • Once we're aligned on style and direction, we'll work our way through the rest of the website pages, checking in about visuals and copy along the way.
  • Once the desktop version is complete, we'll tighten everything up for other breakpoints like mobile and tablet. We'll also make sure all of the visual elements in the site have appropriate alt text and configure search settings for SEO optimization.
  • Finally, we'll hand off and publish! You get full ownership of your Webflow site, which means you have control over attaching a site plan and custom domain, but we're always available if you need assistance in this process.

FAQs 🙋‍♀️
  1. What is included in the free consultation? The free consultation is an opportunity to discuss your current website situation, your goals, and how our services can help. We'll also review your existing brand materials, such as colors and styles, to ensure consistency in the new design.
  2. How long does the Webflow website development process take? The development timeline can vary depending on complexity of the site and the number of pages. Typically, it ranges from 2-4 weeks.
  3. Will my website be responsive and accessible on all devices? Yes, your site will be both responsive and accessible, ensuring a seamless experience across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  4. How do you ensure my website is SEO optimized? I will implement SEO best practices, including configuring search settings, optimizing written content, and ensuring all visual elements have appropriate alt text for improved search engine visibility.
  5. Can I update the website content myself after the development is complete?Absolutely. Your Webflow site will be built on a scalable CMS, making it easy for you to manage and update content as needed.
  6. What happens after the website is complete? Upon completion, we'll hand over full ownership of the site to you. This includes control over attaching a site plan and custom domain. We are also available to assist you in this process if needed.

Let's chat today! 👋

What's included

  • Initial consultation

    The first step is to meet and discuss your goals. We'll also align on existing brand materials like colors and styles at this time.

  • Dynamic website pages

    Beautiful, responsive, accessible web pages that are just as effective in mobile as they are on desktop. This project includes 5 web pages.

  • SEO Optimization

    Reach your audience faster than ever with SEO-optimized copy and search settings.

  • CMS Setup

    Manage high-volume content effortlessly! Your site will be set up using CMS templates so you can update your site quickly and get on with your day.

  • Beautiful interactions and animations

    Your site will be brought to life with stand-out element interactions and text animations.

  • Scalable design

    We'll build sites that stand the test of time and grow with you! That means logically structured sections, clear style tags, and templated CTAs, navbars, footers, etc that you can quickly replicate across new pages as you grow.



Cory Shoaf • strideUX

Client • Apr 30, 2024

Molly is a fantastic designer both with brand and ux design. Molly is a valued member of our team! Highly recommended!


3 weeks

Skills and tools

Web Designer
SEO Specialist
Webflow Developer
Adobe Illustrator

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