UI Design for Mobile App



Quick hire service

About this service


Seeking a skilled UI designer for visually stunning and user-friendly mobile app interfaces? Look no further! With 4+ years of UI/UX design experience, I will design high-quality mobile app UI using Figma, the industry-leading tool.

What can you expect from this gig?

  • Customized Mobile App UI: Tailored interfaces reflecting your brand identity and resonating with your target audience, setting your app apart.
  • User-Centric Approach: Designs that consider user behaviors, creating intuitive and engaging interfaces that enhance usability and satisfaction.
  • Visual Excellence: Attention to detail and aesthetics for a polished, professional appearance across screens and elements.
  • Collaboration: Involve yourself in the design process, offering real-time feedback and revisions, exceeding expectations.
  • Prompt Delivery: Dependable adherence to deadlines, delivering your completed mobile app UI design on time and without compromise.

Elevate your mobile app with a captivating and user-friendly UI. Let's work together to create an exceptional experience for your app users.

P.S : This service is only for designing 1 screen. If you need more screens reach out to discuss requirements and get a custom quote.


  • What tools do you use for designing?

    I usually use figma for UI design and photoshop/illustrator for any kind of illustrations , images etc.

  • Do you provide development too?

    This service is only for mobile app design. I do not do development

  • Do you offer support after the project is completed?

    Yes, I will assist you with any issues after the project is completed.

  • I need something similar, but I am not sure you can do it

    No problem, just let me know about it. Feel free to send me a message via inbox so we can discuss it

What's included

  • App Design

    Professionally crafted design for your mobile app

  • Figma File

    A comprehensive Figma file containing all web designs, facilitating collaboration and future modifications.

  • Support

    Post delivery from my end in case you have any questions


4 days

Skills and tools

Mobile Designer
Web Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XD

Work with me