Digital Product Design

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About this service


Elevating User Experiences:Through the Symbiosis of Interaction and Interactive Design

Both terms underscore a robust commitment to user-centricity, yet their distinction lies in the respective objectives of interactive design and interaction design. Interactive design revolves around crafting engaging products and services, whereas interaction design zeroes in on the meticulous design of these very products and services. In essence, interaction design, without the interactive design element, offers only conceptual designs. Conversely, interactive design, without a foundation in interaction design, may yield products that fall short in meeting user expectations.

What's included

  • Product Research

    Understanding the needs, behaviors, and preferences of the target audience through research methods such as interviews, surveys, and usability testing.

  • Information Architecture & Natural Language Flows

    Organizing and structuring content and features to create an intuitive and user-friendly navigation system.

  • Wire framing & Product User Flow concepting

    Creating low-fidelity sketches or blueprints that outline the basic layout and structure of a digital product, focusing on functionality and user flow.

  • Prototyping

    Developing interactive prototypes that simulate the user experience and allow for testing and feedback before the actual development phase.

  • User Interface (UI) Design

    Designing the visual elements and aesthetics of the digital product, including color schemes, typography, icons, and other graphical assets. Product Style Tiles Type Kits & tokens **Design System at an up-as a separate deliverable

  • Interaction (UX Design)

    Focusing on the overall experience and satisfaction of users, considering factors such as usability, accessibility, and the emotional response of users to the product. Defining how users interact with the product, including the design of buttons, forms, and other interactive elements.



Joah Spearman

Client • Oct 30, 2023

Super easy to work with; worked fast and effectively for my (stealthy) startup.

Super easy to work with. Works fast and diligently.

Client • Dec 21, 2023

Skills and tools

UX Designer
UI Designer
Responsive Design

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