Monthly Blog Content

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About this service


Foster deepening connections with your audience, drive website conversions and boost your SEO efforts with monthly blog content.

I'll work with you to develop a month-by-month blog calendar that consistently serves your audience with high-value content while moving you closer to your brand goals. From there, I will collaborate with you to obtain the information I need to write, edit, and publish monthly blog content to your website. To accompany each post, you'll receive social media copy for up to two social channels of your choosing. Monthly blog packages start at 2 blog posts per month.

What's included

  • Monthly Content Calendar

    A month-by-month content calendar featuring two blog topics per month. All content focuses, keywords, and resources will be aligned with the client prior to production.

  • Monthly Blog Posts

    Receive written, edited, and published blog posts each month with corresponding social copy (limit social copy to two channels). All collaboration, requests, and edits will be done using Google Suite.

Skills and tools

Content Editor
Content Writer
G Suite

Work with me