Market Research for Brand Positioning



Quick hire service

About this service


Our methodology has yielded substantial results, including funding acquisition and market-fit product development for the client. They were able to shape the beta development of their product using market research and leverage it to build a product-market fit offering. A Snapshot of the Analysis sheet created for the client:

What's included

  • Market Research

    Developing a structured approach to overcoming the challenge of limited market understanding due to the product's early development stage. This approach includes initial consultation, extensive market research, competitor filtering, research sheet creation, in-depth analysis, and final report delivery. The Challenge - When the research sheet was created for our client, there needed to be a greater understanding of the market because the product was in its early development stages. This made compiling a list of competitors and gaining detailed insights into their strategies and offerings particularly challenging.

  • Strategic Insights

    We leveraged the abovementioned process, curated a list of 26 competitors in the domain, and extracted the market understanding on 35 data points, including Tech used, Content assets developed, funding acquired, pricing, market positioning, etc.

  • The Outcome

    Our methodology has yielded substantial results, including funding acquisition and market-fit product development for the client. They were able to shape the beta development of their product using market research and leverage it to build a product-market fit offering. A Snapshot of the Analysis sheet created for the client:


5 weeks

Skills and tools

Growth Marketer
Marketing Strategist
Market Researcher
G Suite

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