Multidisciplinary Business Analyst & Designer

Ruby Engineering
Ruby Engineering

This small civil engineering company needed a new web presence. My services included site design, photography, content definition, and development coding.

Web Designer
Business Analyst
React Native

Training Management Solution
Training Management Solution

This is a concept study of a training management solution. The package contains: Workflow, Schema and CICD outline diagrams.

Data Modelling Analyst
Business Analyst
Product Designer

Business Optimization Coaching
Business Optimization Coaching

Generated an Artificial Intelligence resume analyst bot. Claires Resume Reviewer is a balanced HR expert AI Bot, built for equitable resume evaluation.

Data Modelling Analyst
Business Analyst

Concept Prototyping
Concept Prototyping

Worked with founder to develop the platform concept into a working solution.

Business Analyst
Fullstack Engineer
Product Designer

3D Data Modeling and Process Analysis
3D Data Modeling and Process Analysis

A 3D model of the Oil terminals birthing area, using hydrographic and site inspection data. The model explain improves decision-making regarding dredging.

Data Modelling Analyst
Business Analyst
Digital illustrator
Adobe Suite

Service Catalog Development
Service Catalog Development

Develop a services catalog for a small niche civil engineering company

Infographic Designer
Business Analyst
Product Designer
Adobe Photoshop
Google Docs