3D Latte Art Development | Cafe Haus Argentina

Oscar Rincon

Content Creator

Content Editor

3D Animator

About this project

Cafe Haus is a Creative Specialty Coffee Shop. I came in to do a holiday replacement for their main barista. They gave me so much creative freedom that I was actually grateful about it. In a matter of two weeks, i pitched them the idea about potencially incorporating 3D lattes to the menu. They loved the idea and it became a major success. After this I was hired full time due to the volume of clients we started having daily.
First 3D Latte Advertisement for Cafe Haus


The main factor for this projects development was research and trial and error. I went deep into milk's chemical needs and how it's molecules reacted to heat and air. After developing the final product design, I started working on the incorporation of the product to the everydays operation, developing a production system that assures the product's quality when recieved by clients. Some of the elements that I worked on were heat conservation, product design and timing, product taste and advertisement.
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Posted Jan 20, 2022






Content Creator

Content Editor

3D Animator

Oscar Rincon

Barista Artist Trainer & Consultant

Live Shows and Content Creation | Sagrado Coffee Roasters
Live Shows and Content Creation | Sagrado Coffee Roasters
Barista & Teacher | Tornado Coffee Roasters
Barista & Teacher | Tornado Coffee Roasters
Cold Brew Brand Creation
Cold Brew Brand Creation
Instagram Page • @oscar.coffeeart
Instagram Page • @oscar.coffeeart