Now, I’ve often heard that the way that I write (type?) is akin to how I speak and hold conversations, but that’s not to say I’m not against formal writing or writing in formal tone, as I do know when it’s important to take that angle. However, in this application, my gut instinct said it needed to come from the heart. I chose to write the response exactly how I’d say it, again to build rapport but also to show elements of myself in it as Dementia UK would only be receiving the text, without knowing anything about me or even what I look like. Due to the gravitas of the London Marathon and there only being limited spots available, I felt it key to show some personality as well as vulnerability so that my application would stand out amongst the others. As the ballot is most certainly oversubscribed (with 578k ballot applications for 2024, and 840k for 2025, with only ~20k spots available) it was highly likely that those who didn’t succeed in the ballot would turn to charity in order to have a chance at running.