Infrared vs Traditional Sauna (Detailed Comparison)

Answif K



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Saunas are another gift for humanity with a history of hundreds of years. They are fun, relaxing, and revitalizing for your mind and body. These small, enclosed chambers use heat to induce sweating, offering a range of potential health benefits.
Comparing Infrared vs Traditional Sauna shows how technology can enhance, but not replace classic wellness methods. Both of them are fine forms of heat therapy. Let us explore the features and benefits of each to help you decide which is the perfect fit for your wellness routine.

Key Differences

Traditional saunas use wood-burning stoves as their heat source.
Infrared work using infrared emitters like high-tech lamps that generate infrared light waves
Traditional saunas operate at high temperatures, ranging from 150°F to 195°F (65°C to 90°C)
Operates at lower ambient temperatures ranging from (120°F to 150°F (49°C to 65°C).
Traditional saunas are preheated before use, letting the temperature rise to the desired level
Sauna users enjoy the heat in short bursts, ranging from 10 to 20 minutes per session.

How does a Traditional Sauna work?

Traditional Saunas use hot rocks heated by a wood-burning stove or electric element. The air within the sauna chamber is heated by these rocks, which creates a dry or moist environment depending on the presence and use of water. This warm air then surrounds your body which results in sweating and relaxation.
While wood-burning stoves offer a classic experience, modern saunas utilize electric heaters for their heat source. They provide a similar experience to wood-burning stoves but with more precise temperature control.
Traditional saunas preheat the room before use, letting the temperature rise to the desired level. The low humidity makes the high temperatures more tolerable. This dry heat is more effective for deeper sweating and health benefits.
Users can enjoy the heat in short bursts, ranging from 10 to 20 minutes per session. This allows deep relaxation and sweating without the risk of overheating. Many people find repeating these cycles in short breaks for even more benefits.

What is the experience like in a traditional sauna?

Stepping into the traditional sauna washes over you with heat. This heat can be pleasantly intense for most, results in sweating and a sense of cleansing. The air is dry and intense depending on the type of sauna you choose.
Traditional sauna sessions are usually too hot due to their high temperature. It’s recommended to take breaks between sessions to cool down and rehydrate. The immediate effects of sessions include improved circulation and pain relief, thanks to the increased cardiovascular activity.

How does an Infrared sauna work?

Infrared saunas take a more targeted approach to deliver heat. They work using infrared emitters like high-tech lamps that generate infrared light waves. The use of infrared light waves heats you directly rather than heating the air around you.
They operate at lower temperatures compared to traditional ones and still experience a deep warmth due to direct heating. This creates a more comfortable environment for those who find the heat of traditional saunas overwhelming.
Infrared saunas utilize different wavelengths of infrared light categorized as near, mid, or far-infrared. While near-infrared penetrates less but offers an intense heat, mid offers a balance of both. Far infrared provides a gentle and even heat distribution with deep penetration to body tissues.

What is the experience like in an infrared sauna?

Infrared saunas feel pleasantly warm with lower temperatures and direct penetration. The light reaches deeper tissues and muscles, warming you from the inside out for a gentle and radiant heat. You can enjoy longer and more relaxing sessions of up to 45 minutes without breaks.
Infrared saunas have minimal to no humidity which results in a dry heat environment. This makes it easier to breathe in and feel more comfortable. Effective sweating at a lower temperature allows you to de-stress and leave you feeling refreshed.

Health Benefits

Saunas offer a range of health benefits, thanks to the intense heat and sweating they induce. Here is the breakdown of general advantages of traditional and infrared saunas.

Cardiovascular Health

The intense heat in traditional saunas elevates your heart rate, like the effects of moderate exercise. This can improve your blood flow and circulation, reducing the risk of heart disease[1]
One study followed over 2300 people who frequented saunas for 20 years[2]. They found that those who visited saunas more frequently (4-7 times a week) had lower death rates from heart disease and stroke.


Sweating is a natural way for the body to eliminate toxins and impurities. The profuse sweating from traditional saunas helps to detoxify harmful chemicals from the body[3].

Relaxation and Stress Relief

The warmth of a traditional sauna can be deeply relaxing. It can help to ease stiff muscles, headaches, and release endorphins, which are body’s natural feel-good chemicals[4]. They are also proven methods to treat anxiety and depressive disorders[5].

Pain Relief and Improved Sleep

Intense heat in Sauna loosens muscles and eases pain, tension, etc. The increased blood flow can also aid in muscle recovery after exercise. Relaxation and stress relief leads to better sleep quality.

Brain Health

The heat stress during sauna sessions increases the production of heat shock proteins. They play an important role in brain health by reducing the risks of neurodegenerative diseases. A study conducted among Finnish middle-aged men suggests frequent sauna use may lower the risk of dementia and Alzheimers[6].
Apart from many differences between infrared saunas and regular saunas, both of them offer potential health benefits. Interestingly, a 2018 review of multiple studies couldn’t definitively determine which type of sauna provides greater benefits[7].

Winding Up

The infrared vs regular sauna debate is an ongoing one – the perfect choice depends on your individual preferences, health goals, and practical considerations. Traditional saunas offer a time-tested and culturally significant heat experience. Infrared saunas, with their lower starting temperature and gentle heating experience, suit anyone looking for budget and space-friendly heating experiences.
Both provide safe and natural healing with differences affected by gradual technological growth. Spa World offers multiple choices for sauna rooms in traditional and infrared methods. As researchers are still on the way to finding the best among them, you can go for your preference according to your convenience and affordability.


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Posted Aug 7, 2024

SEO-optimized in-depth comparison article to help readers make an informed decision about which option is best for their wellness needs.







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