Nonfiction Informational- IEP Cover Letter Excerpt

Meredith Avera




Community Engagement

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Microsoft Word

An Individualized Education Program is a legal document that requires incredibly precise writing skills. Information has been redacted to protect the individuals involved with this plan.

The purpose of this Individualized Education Program reevaluation cover letter is to describe in detail John Doe's areas of growth, his strengths, and his support needs within the general and special education classroom. This letter also serves to ensure that all stakeholders in John's education can have the information needed to provide him necessary services so that John may access his grade level curriculum.
Important information that was taken into consideration forming John's educational program is his recent diagnosis of dyslexia and ADHD by a community psychologist. The report was provided by his mother and is accessible in this file. Due to this information and John's previous evaluation through XXXXXXXXXXX Elementary School, John qualifies for special education services under the exceptionality of Specific Learning Disability, and will receive additional support in behavior to address his diagnosis of ADHD.
The special education team considered John's current grades and benchmark test scores in addition to parent and teacher surveys. Curriculum and materials used in John's classroom were surveyed to ensure proper accessibility and quality of general education instruction.
Current Level of Academic Performance:
John has been shown to be an incredibly verbal student with a large vocabulary. In trials, he was able to describe in details various photographs and tell stories based on prompts from a teacher or peer. Kinesthetic learning is John's biggest strength and motivator. He enjoys and learns best from activities that involve fine and gross motor skills to become involved with content. This has allowed him to become consistently involved with general education large group activities.
Areas of growth for John were determined by work samples and benchmark testing on decoding, comprehending, and responding to third grade texts. He has shown deficits in reading high-frequency words, which causes him frustration. His writing is not at grade level, which impacts his scores on state, benchmark and classroom testing. John primarily struggles with sentence formation and organization, but he also shows issues with spelling and B and D letter reversals.
*Please note that this is an educational document. All identifying information has been redacted and names have been changed.
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Posted Jan 9, 2025

This is an example of my professional, nonfiction writing skills. I have used precise language and have edited this piece for clarity and understandability.








Community Engagement

Adobe Acrobat

Microsoft Word

Meredith Avera

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