A fun and quick label design inspired by the show Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Charles Boyle, one of the characters in the show, loves and treasures his family sourdough starter; Mother Dough.
Bringing this jar of dough to life
This comedic show is best known for its jokes and awkwardness. I decided to use comedy, bright colors and bold typography as my hand weapons.
Mood Board
Having a limited time to create the label design, I went through a few layout & logo iterations.
Logo Options
I decided that the top right would best invoke the NYPD and sourdough bread, that would create a label that was captivating and unique.
Final Label Design
Here is the label undone. The icons created are a combination of police tools and kitchen tools. The backside layout is representative of a citation.
Label Design
Final Product
This jar holds valuable evidence of sourdough starter that was started 140 years ago.
This project brought a lot of joy to me and I hope it does the same with you!