By the numbers

Aria Ahmad

Content Editor
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The number of litigation cases filed in the Complex Business Litigation Court serving counties in Florida.
In 2011, 40 percent of cases filed in the Complex Business Litigation Court in the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida were construction disputes. Due to the economic recession's impact on the construction industry, most older cases have been resolved and fewer new claims have been filed. Further, businesses are avoiding ligation costs and choosing to settle disputes these days, said Larry Smith, partner and attorney at South Trial Counsel PLC in Orlando whose practice includes business litigation.
Meanwhile, the number of attorneys in Orange County has risen 14.5 percent since 2008. "This largely has to do with the number of law schools in the area," said Tad A. Yates PA, who is president of Legal Aid Society of Orange County Bar Association.
In addition, the amount of pro bono services has gone up during the past five years, likely due to the economic climate, said Yates.


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