Food Banners

Gaurav Jain


Graphic Designer

Infographic Designer

Content Writer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Food Banners
Food Banners

Project Info.

This client Got me from my Instagram handle and asked me for helping him to create some printable templets for the new scheme he launched at his restaurant.


As the client was in a hurry and he doesn't have much time even for communication the work he gave wanted to be completed with in the time constraint of 4 days.


1) I need to check the color palate so that it can go hand in hand with the industry and brand colors.
2)Took some relevant content & logo from client
3) Created eye catching leaflets for client.

Client reviews

Client was very satisfied and promised to work again in future.


this time how to think design concepts in time constraints was what I learnt with various other learnings as colors used in food industry ads and print specifications etc.

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Posted Apr 26, 2023

Created appealing eye catching leaflets for promotion of a scheme at a restaurant.






Graphic Designer

Infographic Designer

Content Writer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

New Package and Ad creation
New Package and Ad creation
General Profile
General Profile
Brand Kit
Brand Kit