Maximizing Advertising ROI with AWS and Machine Learning: $30MM

Mo Omer

Backend Engineer
ML Engineer
Data Engineer
I managed and optimized the deployment of over $30 million in advertising funds for a high-profile client, leveraging advanced cloud and machine learning technologies to maximize advertising impact.
I designed and implemented a data lake and several machine learning pipelines on AWS, using a range of services including VPC Networking & Security, Lambda, RDS, EMR, and SageMaker. The infrastructure was made scalable and maintainable through Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like CloudFormation, Terraform, Kubernetes, Helm, and Apache Airflow.
A key component was the development of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) pipeline using Apache Spark, which reduced the dimensionality of the training data set for efficiency and accuracy.
This refined data was fed into a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to dynamically identify high-value advertising targets, optimizing the allocation of advertising funds.
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