Because 20-Hydroxyecdysterone is such a potent muscle growth stimulator, it is frequently referred to as a plant steroid. It's also referred to as a naturally occurring plant extract. It, like BCAAs, can increase protein synthesis, but it can also improve nitrogen retention. Maintaining a positive nitrogen balance allows the body to store more protein, which is then burned as fuel or excreted through sweat. This is significant because muscle growth requires a positive nitrogen balance. During one Russian study, 20-Hydroxyecdysterone produced such positive results that scientists deemed it a more potent option than Test And Tren Cycle. Whey Protein (whey protein complex) is one of the world's most easily assimilated protein sources. Whey, a byproduct of the cheese-making industry, contains a variety of globular proteins that work quickly to produce quality muscle tissue and increased muscle mass.