Because Earth is the only known habitable planet, it is used as the basis of research or as an outline for what a habitable planet is. According to SEEC (n.d), NASA has come to find that a habitable planet needs nutrients, energy, and of course, liquid water. Liquid water is very hard to come by in space as it is extremely cold or extremely hot depending on where the planet is in the solar system. The farther away from the sun a planet is, such as Jupiter or Saturn, the colder the water will become, and the more chilled and frosted the water that there is on a planet becomes until it finally freezes and becomes hard to get to. “An entire world covered with ice, but underneath that ice, an ocean.” (Discovery UK, 2018. para.). Being closer to the sun is not all that great either. The closer a planet is to the sun, like Mercury or Venus, the hotter any water there is gets, until finally, that water is boiling hot. Not many living things could survive in that, depending on how one would define the word living. According to H.P. Klein (1968), life cannot be defined in simple terms. Life has many different properties, life has to be defined as such. It has to be defined by its properties. Earth is the perfect planet for many, if not all, forms of life to live on as it falls in the sun's habitable zone. A habitable zone is defined as “the range of distances where conditions may be just right to allow the presence of liquid water on the surface” (Kazmierczak, 2020, para 1.).