SELECT 2.0 Project Documentation

Abdulrahman othman


Web Designer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer


Tailwind CSS


SELECT 2.0 Project Documentation

About the Project

SELECT 2.0 is a sleek and modern implementation of the SELECT landing page redesign. This project faithfully replicates the Figma designs provided by SELECT, leveraging advanced front-end technologies to deliver a performance-optimized, maintainable, and scalable codebase.


Home Page
Eye-catching hero section.
Highlighted product benefits.
Clear call-to-action elements.
Features Section (with Sub-Pages)
Insights: Tools for data-driven analytics.
Integrations: Easy connections with external platforms.
Monitors: Real-time tracking for better performance.
Pricing: Straightforward and transparent pricing tables.
Savings: Solutions for cost optimization.
Usage Groups: Advanced tools for managing user groups.
Visibility: Full visibility into operational workflows.
Design Fidelity
98% alignment with Figma designs.
Clean, reusable components.
Technology Stack
React Router v7: Modern and efficient client-side routing.
TailwindCSS: For responsive and customizable designs.
ShadCN UI: Pre-styled components to accelerate development.
TypeScript: Ensuring type safety and speeding up development.

Project Highlights

Modular Design: Pages and features built using React’s component-based architecture for scalability.
Clean Codebase: Adheres to industry best practices for readability and extensibility.
Accessibility: Implements basic ARIA attributes to enhance usability for all users.

Figma File

Check out the original design files on Figma: Figma File Link

Getting Started


Make sure you have the following installed:
Node.js: Version 16 or higher.
npm or yarn: For managing dependencies.

Installation Steps

Clone the repository:
Navigate to the project directory:
Install dependencies:
Start the development server:

Project Structure

├── components # Reusable UI components
├── constants # Application constants
├── lib # Utility libraries and helper functions
├── routes # Application routes and pages
│ ├── features
│ │ ├── insights
│ │ ├── integrations
│ │ ├── monitors
│ │ ├── pricing
│ │ ├── savings
│ │ ├── usage-groups
│ │ ├── visibility
│ │ ├── features.tsx
│ │ └── layout.tsx
│ ├── home
│ ├── root.tsx
│ └── routes.ts
├── types # TypeScript type definitions
├── app.css # Global styles
├── build # Build files for deployment
├── public # Static assets
└── node_modules # Installed dependencies

Live Demo

Access the live project here: [Deployed Site URL]


Contributions are highly encouraged! Here’s how you can contribute:
Fork the repository.
Create a new branch for your feature or fix:
Make your changes and commit them:
Push your changes to your branch:
Open a pull request for review.


For questions or collaboration, reach out to:
Abdulrahman Othman
Would you like additional help with deployment steps or custom installation scripts? Let me know!
Like this project

Posted Jan 15, 2025

This repository contains a collection of frontend development projects, showcasing a variety of implementations and designs. - front-end/app/SELECT 2.0 at main…






Web Designer

Frontend Engineer

Web Developer


Tailwind CSS


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